Crispy Honey Chilli Potatoes – So Easy To Make at Home!
Crispy Honey Chilli Potatoes are a super addictive snack – fried potato fingers are tossed in a sesame honey chilli sauce that’s sweet and spicy and will give you sticky fingers that you’ll be licking. You can use the same recipe to make honey chilli cauliflower, honey chilli mushrooms, honey chilli lotus stem etc – the possibilities are really endless! Lets just say we ate these straight from the wok. Because there was noone to stop us. But if you are in a family situation where that is not acceptable, I can’t help you. If you have eaten honey chilli potatoes, what really stands out is how crisp these potatoes are, in spite of being tossed in the sauce. They can really stand out for their crunch. And that’s really what this recipe is all about. We really went all out to achieve that texture and taste. To make sure that soggy potatoes don’t make it to the table because thats what makes these honey chilli potatoes so awesome. And you know me, when we are on a mission, we really go all o...